
We meet on the second Thursday of each month from September to June. Our meetings are held at the South Arm Community Centre from 9:30 to 12 noon.

We socialize and enjoy coffee prior to the start. Each month one or two members bring snacks for our break.

Guests are very welcome to attend a few meetings to ‘get a feel’ for our group before making a decision to join. Membership fees are $25.00 a year.

Everyone finds a way to contribute to our success. You may be a professional or have experience in finance, sales or communications. We always need a wide range of expertise.

Or, you may have a creative bent and enjoy designing or crafting artisan products. Our Crafterss’ Group regularly introduces new and unique ways to keep our merchandize fresh and exciting.

We have great fun learning and working together. That our efforts contribute to the well-being of African grandmothers and their families makes it all the more rewarding.

Please contact Ann if you have any questions: