About Richmond Gogos

The GRANDMOTHERS TO GRANDMOTHERS CAMPAIGN of the Stephen Lewis Foundation comprises over 240 groups in Canada as well as a number of new groups in Great Britain, the US and Australia.

Our Richmond membership is not limited to grandmothers; nor is it limited to women.

We have come together because:

We are strongly committed to the philosophy of the Stephen Lewis Foundation which is to build solidarity through projects in 15 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The Foundation partners with community-based organization which respond to the specific needs identified by grandmothers in their communities.

We believe that a long-term, collaborative relationship is vital to turning the tide of HIV/AIDS in Africa, and also to ensuring the health, education and psycho-social well being of the grandchildren who are the future of the continent.

We are caring individuals from many backgrounds who have energy and knowledge to contribute, and we are in awe of the resilience and capacity of these women to move forward. To honour them, we are determined to make a difference.